The target for this session was "JFK assassination/event
(23 November 1963)." There is no sketch shown in this example,
but the verbal descriptions are very useful for showing how a
remote viewer can perceive various strands of related data, especially
telepathically perceived emotional data. From the very beginning
of the session, the viewer perceived that the target was a person,
and the viewer also perceived the sounds of crying, weeping, and
voices. The viewer identified the target site as outdoors. The
emotions that were associated with the site were exhilaration
followed by fear, panic, and terror. The sounds of crying, begging,
weeping, and yelling increased as the session proceeded. The
viewer drew a sketch of the target person inside of a structure.
The target person was identified as a male. The associated concept
of "sacrifice" (in the crucifixion sense of the word)
crept into the viewer's awareness. The viewer perceived that
the target male was trapped. The target person originally felt
purposeful, but confusion, fear, despair, and apprehension were
the dominant emotions of the people at the target site. The viewer
then perceived that the event involved the death of a leader,
and that the person was in a moving metallic vehicle. The session
ended soon thereafter.
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